Sunday, June 17, 2007

Weird prenatal nutrition, or, "Does the baby have PMS?"

OK, in the interests of keeping me honest, nutrition-wise, throughout this pregnancy, here's the list of what I've consumed today:

Dunkin' Donuts coffee with cream and sugar
Whole wheat bagel with strawberry cream cheese
1.5 McDonald's hash browns
Mini Luna bar ("Peanut Butter Cookie" flavor)
1 Dannon peach yogurt
3/4 can Spaghettios w/meatballs
10 oz apple juice
1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
Handful of potato chips
Large bowl of Mom's homemade potato salad (with peas!)
Several glasses of water

What is that, like 8,000 calories? I think I should cut back on the junk food and caffeine and replace them with more fruits and veggies. And, of course, protein, which I never seem to get enough of in my diet. Perhaps I will go to the kitchen right now for a big spoonful of peanut butter.

Everything tastes good these days.

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