Monday, November 19, 2007

39 Weeks

Still pregnant. Still very, very pregnant:

This morning's checkup went fine - a nice, reactive non-stress test. The monitor even showed some contractions this time (which I couldn't feel, and the doc says that anything the mom can't detect is not significant). My next appointment is scheduled for Tuesday morning, the 27th, a day after my due date. Doc says that if I haven't given birth by 41 weeks (Dec. 3), he'll induce. They don't let you go past 41 weeks these days, I guess.

I gotta say, the thought of going to work this afternoon/evening and tomorrow is less than appealing.

1 comment:

Hezza said...

That's a big belly, Lady! Nice framing on that pic. ;-)
Sending you great big energy hugs!
Love, Auntie H