Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I'm swollen.

My hands are swollen. My ankles are swollen. My face is fat.

In the mornings, I can barely make a fist because of the carpal tunnel symptoms, and my fingers are very numb. Tonight Mom and I went to the pharmacy and bought one of these to try:

It's very cushy and doesn't tear away at my skin like the one I borrowed from a coworker does. Let's see how the hands feel in the morning.

My nights look something like this:
Midnight: Wake up with searing heartburn (let's see if the old wives' tale holds true and the baby is born with lots of hair).
2:00 a.m. Wake up to pee.
3:30 a.m. Wake up because my hands are numb.
5:00 a.m. Wake up because my back hurts.
6:00 a.m. Wake up to pee.

MDad and I just had our nightly "computer date" -- we were talking about how scary it is that we'll be having a baby right around the time of the writers' guild strike -- omigod! No new TV shows!

Tonight I managed to vacuum the living room and even heat up some dinner, in addition to making the above-mentioned trip to the drugstore with Mom. I wish I'd had the energy to dust, too, and I must say that I can't stand looking at my dirty kitchen floor. I want everything cleeeeannnnnnn...yet I feel like such a failure because I can barely even drag my ass out of bed in the morning to go to work, much less come home at night and do all the chores that need to be done. What happened to the "old me?" I guess she's gone, or she's got to change her priorities now, at least.

Murky is poking something (an elbow? a knee? a foot?) straight out in the middle of my abdomen. I really hope he stays head-down and decides to come out facing backwards (so as to avoid back labor).

Oh lord. How am I going to manage to write 25-odd thank-you notes to my coworkers for Sunday's shower if I can't feel my fingers???

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Heartburn: Gaviscon liquid is your friend.

Carpal Tunnel: Hope the wrist support will help.

Lack of sleep: sleeping is more important than dusting, vacuuming, or dishes. Anyone else can do those things, only you can sleep.

And I _know_ how much all of this sucks, but let me tell you, you are doing great! It'll be over soon and you will have a baby.

All those people who tell you to "enjoy the journey" may be right most of the time, but in the case of pregnancy, really all that matters is the destination.