Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Update from the front...

A rare post from MurkyDad...

MurkyMom and Murky are doing fine so far. As of 1PM-ish the assessment was 4 cm dilation and 90% effaced, with Murky at -1 station. At this point they went ahead and ruptured the amniotic sac.

MurkyMom had an epidural at around 2 PM and is resting comfortably now in anticipation of the big push. Contractions are nice and regular at about 2.5-3 minutes apart.

MurkyMom is hoping for a pre-dinner delivery, as she is hungry, but I have my doubts. I will be happy if he shows up before midnight tonight. If he does, GrandmaMurky on MurkyDad's side wins the pool.

Further updates as they happen...


1 comment:

Hezza said...

Go, MurkyMom! I'm cheering for you: "Push him out, push him out, WAAAAAAY OUT!" You can do it!
Sending more energy hugs your way!
Hang in there, MurkyDad!
AuntieH's Mom is guessing "by 7 p.m. with any luck." Did you bring your four leaf clover? ;-)