Wednesday, April 9, 2008

4-Month Checkup

16 lbs, 14 oz
26 inches
(75th percentile for height and weight)

His pediatrician was very nice and accommodating about delaying some of his vaccinations until he's 5 months old, since he'll still get them within the required time frame, and since he'll still be getting all his shots. He had no fever or fussiness or sleep disturbances last night after his vaccinations, either. In fact, he slept from 7:30 until 11-something, at which point he woke up briefly; I comforted him from my bed, and he fell back asleep until 3:30 -- a full 8 hours between feedings!

Roo's pediatrician also said we're free to start solids whenever we want! We may try some cereal this weekend.

She also said Andy-Roo has very nice skin (she was examining his chubby-lubby thighs at that particular moment...)

I was so proud of my little man -- he barely even whimpered when the nurse stuck him with the needle! And he showed off his hand-eye coordination skills to his pediatrician by grabbing a toy and putting it in his mouth. Oh, and he was all smiley and flirty ;-)

I'm also proud as a peacock since Sean, his compatriot at daycare (born the same day as Roo) only weighs 15 lbs, 10 oz -- and he's formula-fed and has been on solids since he was 3 months old. I don't mean to be smug, but I feel like we have bragging rights to some extent, since the breastfeeding has been such a hard-fought battle.

Today I checked out Super Baby Food from the library.

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