Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Annoyed, Part 2

I called the director of Andrew's daycare at lunch and explained my concerns. She said that she would follow up with his teachers and then meet with me when I came to pick him up this afternoon -- which she did. She was very understanding and supportive, and explained that Andrew's teachers were just concerned about his occasional crabby spells, but that they could have communicated their concerns to me better. In the heat of the moment, I forgot all about Miss S's comment about Andrew "not liking to be picked up too fast," but I'll be sure to mention it to the director tomorrow when I see her.

In the meantime, I'm trying Size 2 Avent nipples, and I'm dropping off some Mylicon gas drops. So we'll see how he does with these changes.

Does this look like an unhappy, malnourished baby to you???

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