Friday, April 11, 2008

What Mommy does on a sick day...

2:30 a.m.: Wake up (rock-hard boobies), rouse listless baby, worry all through nursing session because he doesn't seem very interested in eating (which is VERY unlike him).

3:00 a.m.: Prop baby on my bed so I can give him gas drops, in case that's what's wrong with him.

3:05 a.m.: Baby pukes all over bed. Guess it wasn't gas.

3:10 a.m.: Change baby's diaper and jammies.

3:10:30 a.m.: Baby pukes all over himself on changing table.

3:11 a.m.: Change baby's jammies again. And the diaper, which has served as a puke sponge.

3:20 a.m.: Put baby back to bed. Sleep fitfully, listening for breathing/gagging/choking.

5:15 a.m.: Baby wakes up and eats again.

6:00 a.m.: Baby pukes again. Leave voice mail that I won't be coming in to work.

6:15 a.m.: Baby goes back to sleep (also very unlike him). Mommy goes back to sleep, too.

8:00 a.m.: Baby wakes up and actually smiles at mama! Baby is no longer pale and sweaty. Nurse baby, then call pediatrician's office.

8:30-9:30 a.m.: Mommy takes a shower. Baby sits in bouncy seat. Everything seems OK.

9:30 a.m.: Change/dress baby.

9:35 a.m.: Take baby downstairs. Baby pukes on carpet. Mommy tries to keep dog from eating puke. Baby still smiling (!!!)

10:00 a.m.: Nurse baby again. He seems more interested in eating this time. Still smiling.

10:45 a.m: Pediatrician's office calls back: It's probably a tummy bug, not a reaction to vaccines. Baby's axillary temp is 98.8 degrees (digital rectal thermometer seems to be malfunctioning, so Mommy used a Vicks stick-on disposable thermometer).

11:00 a.m.: Baby doesn't want to be cuddled by Mommy anymore. Put baby on quilt on floor. Put in a load of puke laundry. Work on cat-pee stain on living room carpet (trying natural, vinegar/water method).

11:15 a.m.: Baby doesn't want to be on the quilt anymore. Put baby in exersaucer. Baby happy.

11:30 a.m.: Baby tired. Put baby down for nap. No puke (yet). Go through the mail.

12:15 p.m.: Put in second load of (regular, non-puke) laundry.

Well, that's the glamorous day so far!

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