Monday, April 14, 2008

First Night

Andrew's first night in his own room went just fine. Here's the breakdown:

I last checked on him at about 10 p.m. This was about the fifth or sixth time I checked on him between 7:30 and 10 p.m. He was fine.

I heard some stirrings and vocalizations here and there on the monitor, but nothing major before about 2:15 a.m., when he woke in earnest because of hunger. I nursed him and put him back down by 2:45.

At 3:00 a.m. I jumped out of bed and angrily stomped down the stairs and let out my male cat, who had heretofore been scratching at my bedroom door and meowing loudly and annoyingly. Goddammit.

At 3:45, Andrew woke (I think) and started "talking." This is his new trick. He "talks" by screeching and warbling at the top of his lungs. It was very amusing at 3:45 a.m. Or, at least, more amusing than the cat's yowling. He eventually went back to sleep. I'm not sure he was even awake during the whole episode; sometimes when babies are learning new skills (like rolling over, etc.) they'll "practice" them in their sleep.

Anyway, he slept until 5 minutes before my alarm was set to go off (6 a.m.), so all in all it wasn't such a bad night. We'll see how it goes tonight -- he took a 3-hour nap this morning at daycare (they had to wake him to eat!), and then more naps later in the day. I'm wondering if his sleep wasn't so good last night after all, and whether or not changing rooms affected him more than I thought it would.

I even got to make myself dinner tonight! Granted, at just the moment it was done, Roo decided to get cranky and need to be put to bed, so I had to cover my plate with foil and then proceed to drool and listen to my stomach growl while I nursed a sleepy, lazy baby. But I'm eating now, as I type: Soy-Ginger salmon fillets from BJ's (which has a fantastic frozen seafood selection, as it turns out, as I frequently jones for fish on work nights but have neither the time nor the inclination to purchase and prepare fresh seafood), Uncle Ben's long grain and wild rice (Sodium City, I know, but hey, it's comfort food), and a Dr. Praeger's sweet-potato pancake from my sojourn to the natural foods store last week. Oh, and a big tall glass of orange juice. Mmm, nutrition! And sodium.

I'd like to find a good slow-cooker split-pea and barley soup recipe. I'd ideally be able to cut up the veggies, etc. the night before, throw the ingredients in the slow-cooker in the morning, and have soup ready when I get home from work. Mmm, pea soup with some nice crusty bread and butter...god, I love food. I may even get back to being able to prepare it -- Roo's getting better at letting me put him in the high chair in the kitchen while I do chores in the evening. Don't worry -- I spend LOTS of time playing with him after work, too. Just ask Daddy about our ever-lengthening video chat sessions!

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