Sunday, April 6, 2008

Banana Poop?

I called Andrew's pediatrician tonight, after finding what looked like little reddish-brown stringy "worms" in his poopy diaper.

Granted, Daddy gave him the tiniest bit of banana this morning, and apparently bananas do come out looking stringy...but better safe than sorry, eh?

Anyway, the pediatrician said to call as soon as office hours start tomorrow morning at 8:00. MDad and I didn't figure out the banana thing, however, until after I'd already called the ped (thanks, Google). Should we still go in tomorrow? Are doctors and nurses going to laugh at me if it's just banana poop??? Dad says he only had about 1/8 teaspoon or so -- so how could it produce that many strings?

Roo is crying now. Again. He's not sleeping well these past 2 nights. I knew we would pay for the 7- or 8-hour stretches we were getting a few days ago. Oh, wait -- he seems to have fallen back asleep...

Milestone: Roo figured out how to blow raspberries on Saturday, April 5 (age 4 months and one week). He is now very much enjoying practicing the letter "B!" He also occasionally mutters the letter "M."

Daddy put Roo on the digital bathroom scale this morning: He's roughly 16.5 lbs. Oh, my! He was very interested in my and Aunt K's chocolate macaroons we bought at the Godiva store at the mall yesterday (no worries; we only let him smell them), and of course he enjoyed the aforementioned bite of banana this morning.

1 comment:

Hezza said...

If he is muttering about "B" and "M" - maybe he is trying to tell you about his banana poop! Hee hee!