Monday, April 28, 2008

Five Months Old

Our little baby is a big boy of five months today!

His newest trick is rolling over from his back (where we always put him to sleep) to his tummy in the crib at night. It kind of freaks me out, but I guess he's robust enough now that nothing bad is likely to come of it. Last night he ended up on his tummy with his legs hanging out between the crib slats. Still haven't gotten around to putting the crib bumper back on.

Yesterday -- one day before his five-month birthday -- we tried rice cereal for the first time...and he liked it!

I'm still going to keep him on breast milk, mostly, for now. We didn't manage to find time for cereal tonight, since we had to stop at the grocery store after I picked him up from daycare. Breastfeeding is, in many ways, so convenient! Thanks, Mother Nature. Anyway, this weekend we may try giving the Roo some sweet potatoes or avocado, just to see how he does. I have a feeling he's going to be like Mom and Dad: We like our food!

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