Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ultrasound: 18 weeks, 3 days

Everything looks great!

Blood vessels, heart chambers, limbs, skull, etc. all are where they should be, doing what they should do. Little Murky was doing some pretty creative gymnastics, and it took a little while for the ultrasound tech to get a good shot at the nether-regions, but we eventually were able to determine the sex...

...which we're not going to announce on the blog. We'll tell you in person!

We are sooooo happy to know that our child looks healthy and strong. The tech said the measurements point more towards a due date of November 22 -- exactly Thanksgiving! I've been eating my Wheaties; it's a big baby, apparently.

Sorry -- I stupidly left the 2 printouts on my desk at work, but I'll bring them home and scan them for the blog this weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooh, you big tease! The public demands to know!
